Organizations that are continuing to do work for policy reform.
By embracing and encouraging participation, advocacy enables policy makers to make more informed decisions by engaging with, and carefully mapping out the needs, opinions and visions of local communities on issues that matter to them.
Innocence Project
This organization works for Criminal justice reform, and to exonerate wrongfully convicted individuals.
Black Visions Collective
Black Visions Collective envisions a world in which ALL Black Lives Matter. They pursue their commitment to dismantling systems of oppression and violence.
Reclaim the Block
Reclaim the Block organizes Minneapolis community and city council members to move money from the police department into other areas of the city’s budget that truly promote community health and safety.
MN Youth Collective
Minnesota Youth Collective is an organization that centers leadership development of the new generation of movement leaders, leveraging electoral work and issue advocacy as tactics to create a more equitable and just state for all people.
Take Action
Take Action Minnesota is a multi-racial people’s organization building power for a government and economy that works for all of us.
The Sentencing Project
This organization conducts research to promote reforms in sentencing policy, address unjust racial disparities and practices, and to advocate for alternatives to incarceration.
This organization works for voting right restoration for those with a criminal background.
YWCA Minneapolis
The YWCA has a Racial Justice Facilitator Program.
MN Healing Justice Network
An intergenerational community of healers and cultural workers that center Black and Brown wellness through mutual aid, holistic care, and solidarity work.
Youthprise's mission is to increase equity with and for Minnesota’s indigenous, low-income, and racially diverse youth.
MN 350
This organization works with Environmental Justice policy reform.
A people's project evaluating policing. organized effort by local organizers, researchers, artists, and activists to shift the discussion around police and policing in Minneapolis from one of procedural reforms to one of meaningful structural change.